What do members get?

  • Peer to Peer Practical Support Network
  • Representing Your Needs to EMIS
  • Lobbying at a National Policy Level
  • Annual Conference
  • A Regular Magazine

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Membership Types

The EMIS National User Group membership offers exceptional value for money and gives you access to the entire community and a wealth of educational resources. Play our video to find out more.


Any individual using an EMIS clinical system in their work but not employed by a member practice or a member PCO can have individual membership. Benefits: one copy of EMISUser per quarter; £75 discount for attendance at Annual Conference; full website access. No voting rights.

Only £75

Full Member

Any practice or Primary Care Organisation (PCO) using an EMIS clinical system in their work can have full membership. Two copies of EMISUser per quarter; £100 discount per person attending the Annual Conference, full website access and one vote at the AGM.

Full (Scotland) for a limited period*
Any Scottish practice using an EMIS clinical system in their work can have full discounted membership. Two copies of EMISUser per quarter; discount per person attending the Annual Conference, full website access and one vote at the AGM.

*We are delighted to inform you that we are able to offer you a discounted full membership rate at £50 p.a. for a limited period of time. We are able to offer this discounted rate due to the presence of the SNUG in Scotland which performs many of the EMIS NUG roles in representing users and the only option of EMIS PCS in Scotland presently. Once EMIS roll out EMIS WEB in Scotland, in the next year or two your membership rate will automatically increase to the current full membership rate.*

Only £100


For any hospital, EMIS partner or other organisation involved in the use of an EMIS clinical system. Benefits include one copy of EMISUser per quarter; 10% discount on exhibition space at the Annual Conference; full website access; a 10% discount on advertising. No voting rights.

No delegate discount at Annual Conference.

Membership is not transferable. Membership cannot be assigned to any other party; nor can it be shared with any member of a Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Clinical Support Unit (CSU), Federations or equivalent body in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.

In particular corporate membership by a CCG does not grant membership to the practices making up the CCG.

Only £400


Cancellation/Refund Policy

If you cancel your membership subscription after your renewal date, EMIS National User Group consider that you have benefitted from being a National User Group member by having access to member information, including the website and receiving e-mails and publications up until the date of notification of cancellation. Therefore EMIS National User Group reserve the right to apply a fixed administration charge of £25 plus a charge of £8.33 for every part or full month membership continues after the anniversary date. Any residual balance will be refunded.

If you wish to cancel your subscription please e-mail info@emis.nug.org, telephone 0191 487 4571.

Test your knowledge

Use the EmisNUG courses to establish the knowledge level of you and your colleagues using Emis.

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"EMIS National User Group has made life for our non-technical users so much easier"


"Meeting a range of different users, there is always something to learn and to give back"


"I was really pleased to discover I was a member due to all the online tools."