
16/05/2024 - 14:10
The contribution of individuals and organisations using EMIS to improve patient care will be recognised at the first ever EMIS National User Group (NUG) Awards. The awards will celebrate and...
18/04/2024 - 15:02
Training opportunities for EMIS NUG members are set to get a boost thanks to a partnership the EMIS NUG has formed with Ardens. The partnership follows a recent procurement process in which the NUG...
17/04/2024 - 11:06
Are you a clinician using EMIS who could use your experience to help other EMIS users across the UK? If so we would love to hear from you. THE EMIS National User Group (NUG) is looking for clinicians...
20/11/2023 - 10:23
EMIS National User Group (NUG) is looking for a provider for EduNUG – its online education and training programme. EMIS NUG is an independent non-profit making organisation established to improve...
19/06/2023 - 12:54
System Failure of 26 May Discussion was had around the disruption to services experienced by most Users.  A back-end fix to Resource Publisher should have been deployed to practices with RP.  Human...
03/03/2023 - 21:41
Vanessa Young, the EMISNUG Chair since 2018 has resigned due a career move which made it difficult to maintain her position as Trustee and Chair of the Committee. The Committee and her fellow...
27/10/2022 - 16:02
After a bit of a gap, which has seen a different team at EMIS takeover working with us, the Watchdog have met with EMIS to feedback on your performance issues. Resource Publisher - roll out is...
12/05/2022 - 22:42
  We had a robust discussion with EMIS today.  Sadly these notes seem almost identical to the meeting we held back in October and those more recently  - little seems to have changed in the...
14/03/2022 - 09:38
We discussed 17 user development requests with EMIS at the two meetings in Feb and March. I feed back to users who posted these after the meeting. Once we discuss, the suggestions that have traction...
14/03/2022 - 09:20
Notes from EMIS Watchdog Committee Meeting 10 February 2021 Fix to known appointment book Refresh issue – this has still not been rolled out. Can this not be pushed out individually? There is work...
17/01/2022 - 10:37
Rachael Lankshear leads this group. There is a Facebook page for logging issues. These should already have been raised through the normal EMIS support channels and are unresolved. Please log...
09/12/2021 - 22:29
We met Louise Harvey who leads the User Experience (UX) team at EMIS and is keen to learn what users find good or need improving within EMIS Web. She will be looking at things to bring into EMIS-X...
09/12/2021 - 17:44
Speed and performance issues Monday 6 Dec - Many users reported speed and freezing issues on Monday.  The team worked quickly to identify the issue, which was related to the update which aimed to fix...
18/11/2021 - 12:24
The meeting today was very much depleted in number with only three EMIS representatitves (and three from the NUG). We heard from Richard Farrell-Smith, Product Development Manager for Primary Care....
18/11/2021 - 11:43
EMIS update patches changed deployment: these are now downloaded around 2 days before the actual update is activated – so they don’t interact with EMIS until it’s time for the update, this should...
24/10/2021 - 00:33
Notes from Monthly catchup with EMIS 21.10.21 We met online with several key people from EMIS, as happens most months, though quite a few were on leave or unavailable. We heard about the continuing...
17/10/2021 - 13:25
QOF and other searches hanging They are aware. We asked if their server resources are inadequate to deal with the volume and what they intend to do. Some comms expected from EMIS shortly. GP2GP...
03/10/2021 - 22:27
We discussed significant forthcoming changes to Resource Publisher. It currently consumes a lot of memory (RAM) and with content-heavy sites, can slow down all EMIS Web operations. It has been...
25/06/2021 - 10:52
We have replaced the quarterly meetings with EMIS with shorter monthly events in order to help with busy diaries and keep abreast of fast-moving events.  At this meeting we had an update on the major...


A really interesting 45min presentation was given by several senior EMIS people covering a variety of issues and a look forward tosome of the improvements for the system, PCN wordking and custormer support.

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"EMIS National User Group has made life for our non-technical users so much easier"


"Meeting a range of different users, there is always something to learn and to give back"


"I was really pleased to discover I was a member due to all the online tools."