Support Centre
EMIS provided an update on the developments with the Support Centre. The new Incident Tool is part of the support centre and will replace the ECR tracker.
It is currently live in Jersey, Gibraltar and the Isle of Man where it is working well
It will next be rolled out in Scotland and then in the English GPSoC estate. EMIS hope this will be completed towards at some time towards the end of the year.
At present the plan would be a “big bang” switch to comply with GPSoC reporting requirements. The NUG representatives expressed some concern about this approach as the GPSoC estate is considerably larger than the other deployments. We suggested that EMIS go back to GPSoC to request a variation in the requirements for a period to enable a phased switch in order to mitigate any risks.
We also arranged for the functionality to be previewed by KB and GS from the NUG (this has now taken place and a number of minor changes implemented as a result) ACTION KB/GS (complete)
ND agreed to prepare an article for the December edition of the EMIS User magazine on the new deployment. ACTION ND
Issues with Business Continuity
A number of issues had been reported with problems using the Business Continuity (BC) solution for EMIS Web
The BC is held on the spoke, so vulnerable to spoke issues. There have been occasions particularly related to the virtualisation of spokes where the BC has not been accessible. This highlighted a lack of understanding among both users and supporting organisations regarding the use of the spoke for the BC. In particular if the spoke is virtualised access to the spoke is dependent on the physical integrity of the network connection (the digger though the cable scenario)
ND Agreed to review this issue and feedback to the next meeting on how to proceed regarding this. ACTION ND
Review of Web v5.9 deployment
Project Management office review took place as normal. The issues were well aired and a number of changes made in the process.
QoF Year End Tab:
SD fed back on his discussions with the relevant development teams. This is a possibility, but the problem is getting it on the development roadmap. He suggested that this may be appropriate for the User Driven Requirements group.
Whilst this would be a possible route this roadmap is also pretty congested.
GS suggested that it be discussed wth the UDR group, but also that we hold some discussions with the senior team at EMIS regarding this.
This is a wider issue regarding the emphasis of development and how this is balanced.
ACTION: Add to agenda for next meeting with the EMIS Executive Team
EMIS Complaint 362:
A senior EMIS team have been out and resolved most of the issues with the practice. On discussion that does directly involve the NUG is the User Driven Requirements process.
ACTION: GS to email (complete)
Crash reporting
We discussed the situation regarding crash reporting. This is being reviewed with the support centre update.
ACTION: Maintain on agenda for next meeting.
The unwanted tick in Document Workflow
We emphasised the trouble and additional workload this generates.
SD advised he will raise priority of fix
We discussed the information around alternative providers of patient facing services.
The registration document is as specified by NHS Digital.
ACTION: review in future meeting.